- 3 Jahre
- ... innerhalb der planetaren Grenzen
- Οι σεισμοί...
- Studentenproteste in Serbien
- Der Blog des Nationalmuseums
- Verkehrserziehung
- Erinnerungen an die Okkupation in Griechenland
- Found a typo in my blog, and then ...
- Here is your cross
- Playfair first Ada package
- Retro Ada coding
- Highlight the active window in irssi
- The Saga of IPv6
- Remembering my SE/30
- Not much to write about
- History is the record not only of how things change
- Cold Winter on Naxos
- Coffice: A resemblance of normal
- Сочинение об ответственности
- Wieviele tote Zivilisten ist russisches Gas für Deutschland wert?
- Woke up this morning with a feeling of "nothing bad in the world"
- Ein Unrecht macht ein anderes nicht gut
- Σήμερα φάγαμε fakes
- Reformat paragraphs in vim
- Bethink Yourselves
- Одумайтесь
- F@ck this job
- Сочинение о овцах
- Le passé était tombé de moi
- Soothing FAQ
- Выпьем, добрая подружка
- What is it with taking walks?
- Resurected Matryoshka Code
- Tous les changements
- ifconfig and join
- Fixing the meta type of the Nikola RSS feed in OpenBSD's httpd
- Language look
- Три замечания к книге "Сталинград"
- Изложение книги "Сталинград" Антона Бивора
- Morning gymnastics
- la mer, les pluies
- Сочинение Аэропорт
- Snow on Naxos, January 2022
- CSS and Friends
- Finished Beevor's Stalingrad
- Сочинение о фотографии
- The Anniversary of the End
- Purple Sails
- Making bad choices and new installs